YUI received the?Birthday Fanbook?we sent to her!


Well, YUI-NET.COM has updated the Tachiyomi tab.

It says :

Sorry for posting this on Tachiyomi!!

Many gifts from overseas have arrived~(tears)

Thank you all fan in overseas!!!

source : http://www.yui-net.com/tachiyomi/index.html


YES!!! That fanbook is ours! We sent it few months ago on YUI’s birthday. And it reachs YUI!!

YAY!!WOW!! This is another YUI-LOVER.COM History!!!

Here is the list who joined this project :

1 – preword
2 – ‘staff’ page
3 – Sora Hikari
4 – azmikun
5 – mitsuru22
6 – ddude8
7 – Sudirga Artha
8 – member from bogota
9 – Hamza
10- lanfix
11- Jackie Cheung
12 -Izzu’s
13 – A member from Talca, Chile
14 – lily
15 – love4yui
16 – Manuel
17 – ruidesu
18 – Monk Of War (dont worry it turned out fine)
19 -revla_skybreaker
20 -sakuraich
21 -angelionsphere
22- yue_yoshioka
23 -yui_generation
24 – blue page with dark blue text :p
25 -tony
26 -weirdmedol

from all over the world~

Just like I said before

YAY!!WOW!! This is another YUI-LOVER.COM History!!!

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to feel this kind of awesomeness, Join us!!

see the history thread in the forum :P