YUI Diary (2011.06.16) — Hey!!



Probablemente traducido por el Kikin

Good evening.

It’s YUI.

Are you feeling alright?

I’m happy for all the comments of people who already watched the movie Paradise Kiss?
Thank you very much!!

Lately I’ve been continuing my work in pre-production, rehearsing for Hong Kong and today I have recording!
I want to give my all in order to do a good work!

Shinji! (?)
He came to help carrying out the equipment!

He came despite it was a holiday!
The tuning of the Jaguar and telecaster was bad, so he regulated the curvature of the necks!
And then he adjusted Backy’s acoustic bass too~!
We also had Macaron!


We discussed what to do at the introduction of band member’s part (not sure whats ‘kime’)
It’s fun when everyone is advancing giving ideas?
For some reason we talked about the universe at lunch, Everybody were talking and the talk was expanding more and more, it was so fun~.

Group photo with everyone!
I asked them to yell “Hai, Sasami~!” instead of “Hai Cheese!”

… It’s so random isn’t it? haha.

Dewadewa, let’s have fun tomorrow too!!
Have a good day?




STAFF DIARY??????????????????????
Staff Diary posted a lot of funny pictures ne? haha
By the way, the topknot, was a tool from Youji-san!
(Refers to Music station dressing room report)
Dewadewa, HAPPY?

P.S.’s P.S.

Western clothes in this picture are a Yoshie-san’s design for Candy Stripper?
Being Pop is cute right?

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