YUI Diary (2010.06.04) – Everyone, Thanks!! (2)


Everyone, Thanks!!

Translated by yupeh & azmikun

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MSute (Music Station) has successfully finished!!

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I have everyone supporting me!

and Yokusube~ru too!

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Thanks, Hisashi-san!

Thank you very much.

I did Cross-wan (cross wu wan) (laughs)

Your presence was very much appreciated!!

Dewa dewa, adesute! (adieu+Msute)


The Comeback (laughs)


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We took photos again after meeting!

Assembly Pic1

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Backy-san (Ba), Christian (Dr), Yahagicchi (Engineer), all dropped in! Also, (after) playing drums for Abe Mao-chan, Mai mai dropped by the dressing room as well!

Assembly Pic 2

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Further, right in the middle (of taking photos), Icchi and Shiba-chan hid their faces while taking photos! (Icchi used his cellphone. Shiba-chan used the remote control — *to hide their faces*)

Assembly Pic 3

Dewa dewa, let’s do our best again tomorrow~!


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