Staff Diary (2012.01.25) — Final cruising @ Okinawa


Final Cruising @Okinawa

Translated by Hatsumichan

So, it’s finally here!!

The final Cruising

in Okinawa Convention Center.

It’s been about 3 months since we first set sail.

The seemingly long, but short

cruising is also coming to an end.

Our last place will be Okinawa, and it’s the first time we’ve ever landed here!

The rain from yesterday has also calmed down.

the wind is a strong-like presence (see YUI Diary 2012.01.24 for translation explanation), but

it seems like we can set sail without any complications?

This sea with it’s coral reefs,

let’s enjoy it with all our might!!

Onyuu?!! Final Cruising????

PS. For all the congratulatory words on the message board,
thank you very much!!
I’m thankful and touched by them.

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