Staff Diary (2010.01.20) GLORIA in Stores!


?GLORIA? in stores!

Everybody, Otsukaresamade Sweets!

Finally today, GLORIA is out!
So we went to some music stores to check them out!

The weather was comfortable today in Tokyo
So we thought “Let’s take a little walk
and see the weather caused by GLORIA”

YUI too
“It’s quite warm right? Even so, I have too much clothes on me (laugh)”
That’s what she said.

Also, the feeling of joy the people in the shop gave to us
expanded all our limits!

Since we focused our ears and minds
to the voice of everybody
This time too, we were able to make the important single of ?GLORIA?.

We think it’s because of all the courage received from all of you.

By the way, At the top of the homepage
About 1 out of every 5 times (PC)
There is something that is not snow?!
It looks like there is something falling! *

To those of you who are taking your entrance exams, we think you are in the climax but,
We will be rooting for you!

Dewa dewa Adieu~n

*If you refresh YUI-net you can see sakura falling along with the snow :o

The shop YUI visited is Tsutaya in Shibuya,
they reported the “incident” in their blog —> TSUTAYA’s BLOG

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