HISASHI KONDO Dokutsubo (2010.12.17) — 1010 New Quiz?Who does this key belong to??


1010 New Quiz ?Who does this key belong to??

Translated by cyclo

Today, as a surprise…

New Quiz ?Who does this key belong to??



Do you know?

It’s impossible right?


It’s not a house key.




It’s a bicycle Key.


Concerning today’s dinner
I will publish a photo.




Here is a place

I’m sure many of you know right?



It’s Tonkotsu Ramen.


Could it be?

I guess it’s a tricky question?

So how is it? The answer has probably come to mind right?

The answer is


Riding the bicycle again today?

Nope, that’s not true.


The making, and recording of the song
is in smooth progress~.

In the next

Quiz ?Who does this key belong to??

Please, look forward to it

Thank you very much.




Translator’s Note: and the biiiig question: what does the keychain say?

I’m not quite sure what that’s supposed to mean either >_> some crime prevention campaign??


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