30.8 C
Saturday, September 7, 2024


Activities made by users of the community.

Honey Bee Meeting (Mitsubachi Kaigi)

  Jun and I (cyclo) were very lucky to be a part of the second Honey Bee Meeting (Mitsubachi Kaigi)! Taking part only involved an application process and was completely free. Honey Bee Meeting is a platform for Honey Bee Management...

YUI-Lover 5th Collaboration 2012 Start!

  YUI-Lover 5th Collaboration 2012 Final artwork submission for art booklet: Feb 27th Final Audio Submission: March 2nd *no delays this time hopefully* Final design for print: March 4/5th Date to ship: March 10th HELLO YUI-Lovers! *claps hands* I hope that 2012 has been treating...

Kamakura: Taiyou no Uta Tour (Part 2)

  By Cyclo and Jun Contents: #3: Enoden* #4: Stairs to Amane Kaoru’s House and I Remember You PV filming location* #5: First Kiss* #6: Bus Stop* #7: Beach* #8: Amane Kaoru’s House* #3: Enoden The Enoden is an old train system that runs through Kamakura (from Kamakura to...

Kamakura: Taiyou no Uta Tour (Part 1)

  Unfortunately, YUI-Lover TV broadcast was not possible due to technical difficulties, but Cyclo and Jun made a complete report of their trip. Contents: #0: Getting there #1: Outside Kamakura Station* #2: Shotengai and Hachimangu Shrine * - Taiyou no Uta filming locations #0: Getting there We...

YUI INDO Gathering featured on TV

  Translation thanks to Bambz Elric >Lydia Lau : “aPop lovers this is my favourite segment a Fanzone Segment J !!, A pop news team had already reported a YUI Lovers Indonesia Gathering event last week (17 December 2011) do you want to know...

YUI Lover 1st Xmas contest!! VOTING TIME!

  HI PEOPLE! Once again, I wanna thank everyone who participated in the Xmas event! Now is the big time!!!! I had choosen the top 10 finalist! Please visit the forum to cast your vote to the answer that you think deserve to...