Hisashi Kondo dokutsubo (2010.03.13) – Ameba Nau?


728 ????????
728 Ameba Nau?

Translated by MrSean

Theme: Diary

Ameba Nau!?

I was informed of this.

…to make aware
all the wonderful people who follow this blog!!

Even though I’ve never even posted once…



Then, the people in charge of Amebo
gave me some straps and notebooks

Thank you very much!!
I’m very happy!!

No, really, I am pleased about it!!

Immediately, YUI-san wanted the strap.
And, because she mumbled it
I gave her one.

(what he is saying is that when she saw them, she said quietly “hoshii naa”, which isn’t really asking for something (though it COULD be), but is more like us saying “wow, that’s really neat”. Basically, YUI was appreciating the free stuff Hisashi got, and he gave her one because she seemed to like it.)

Also, a can filled with Ameba Pigg(?) Chocolate?

This is the kind of stuff I got!!
It’s like Disneyland!!

To all the people over at Ameba,
thank you very much.

From here on,
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu



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By the way, when they are using “Nau”,
really, what do they mean?

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