Sony features YUI in their WALKMAN application for Xperia phones



Looking desperately for news related to YUI (desperately!!!) Found this online catalogue.

Xperia VL
This one looks like it’s been up there for a while…


The new Xperia Z
And my personal favorite…that I want to buy.. but I would like to be given as a birthday present more… which is today by the way. Happy birthday to me me, and also want to tell you all that yesterday I completed the transfer of the domain from our founding father Reset to my ownership. So now I’m finally the offical owner of my beloved YL… But Brad also pays for the hosting, so yay for him as well. And also yay to all the “staff” who do somehting from time to time. Also yay to all the forum members who keep posting everyday. Keep on fighting, guys, and let’s wait paciently for YUI to return to us (or Hana, Ann or whatever she wants to be called from now on xD ).

